Freshly Caught Seasonal Seafood.
Fresh off the boat and locally caught in pristine waters off the eastern end of the Great Australian Bight. Port Lincoln is home to some of the world’s most sought-after seafood that appears on menus globally.
As fresh as it gets
Family Owned
We are first and second-generation fishermen who have owned and sustained an A-Class fishing business since 1989.
Environmentally Responsible
Sustainable and eco-friendly fishing methods to ensure ethical quality seafood for our buyers.
Fresh Seafood
Fresh off the boat and locally caught seasonal seafood in the pristine waters of Port Lincoln, off the Eyre Peninsula.

Henderson Seafoods
With a combined experience of over 40 years in the fishing industry, Bernie Henderson and his son Jack, both have a wealth of fishing knowledge, working in the Tuna, Cray, Sardine and A-Class industry.
Bernie started the A-Class fishing in 1989 in-between his other fishing work and has now handed down the reins to his eldest son Jack to take over. Jack has watched and learned from his father over the years and has his own fishing passion of providing quality fish for the markets and restaurants.
We’re different
why Choose us?
Located in Port Lincoln, South Australia, we fish at the eastern end of the Great Australian Bight, in pristine waters that are home to some of the worlds most sought-after fish and seafood that appear on menus worldwide.
We use environmentally responsible fishing methods such as sand crab pots, line caught and ikijime technique for our catch where we are able to maintain sustainable and ethical quality caught seafood for our buyers.
We pride ourselves in sourcing our seafood through some of Australia’s leading fish markets and find them on plates throughout Australian restaurants.

At the eastern end of the Great Australian Bight, you will find the pristine waters of Port Lincoln, Eyre Peninsula, home to some of the world’s most sought-after seafood that appears on menus globally.
“We pride ourselves in providing fresh, local and wild caught seafood to some of Australia’s leading fish markets.”
- Jack Henderson
So,what’s the catch?
Centroberyx affinis - Also known as Bight Redfish, have a moderately short, compressed body and a spiny head. The head and body are red and the lower belly is silvery. They have large red eyes and an oblique mouth that extends back to the posterior margin of the eye. Nannygai are best suited to baking, shallow frying and grilling.
Southern Garfish
Hyporhamphus melanochir - Relatively shorter upper and lower jaw, especially at larger sizes. Garfish are small and rather tasty. They can be filleted to produce attractive boned-out, butterfly fillets for delicate dishes. The Garfish needs very little cooking and is best cooked by lightly crumbing, poaching or grilling, to let the flavour shine through.
Sand Crab
Ovalipes australiensis - Body dark sandy or blue-grey with two distinctive 'eye' spots near the back. Fourth legs flattened and paddle-shaped. They generally have softer meat than Blue Swimmer Crabs. With a sweet, nutty flavour and moist firm flesh the sand crab is great for pastas, steaming whole, grilled and even barbecue.
Gummy Shark
Mustelus antarcticus - Gummy Shark (also called Flake), is one of Australia's premium eating sharks. As a smaller shark it has a sweet and delicious flesh, and is popular for its boneless and thick flakes. Used for the well-known “fish and chips” because it has no bones, but should not be overlooked for barbecuing, poaching, braising and baking.